miercuri, 18 noiembrie 2009
Violent images! Men knock the police beat and shot!
Thinking that has intimidated the people the law to suit the man in the car, thinking to continue on. The cops never agreed, so the driver pulled a knife and broke the wheel of a car by police. Agencies did not tolerate insult, and one of them shot in the leg on the rough.
Although wounded, the man she would not nohow to drop knife in hand, though it has received serious blows from the police baton. When you finally managed to disarm him, the man was almost unconscious and lying in a pool of blood.
luni, 27 iulie 2009
Travolta ''The Religion of Scientology Kill my Boy'
Travolta Say ''The Religion of Scientology Kill my Boy'
As information begins to trickle out about the circumstances surrounding Jett Travolta's death, the inevitable questions have arisen about whether that death could have been avoided. And the number one question in that category is: if Jett Travolta was autistic, and his autism was left untreated because Scientology does not recognize autism as a condition, did the fact that his condition was left untreated factor into his death? ....More >>
duminică, 26 iulie 2009
Michael Jackson's fake nose gone missing !!
Michael Jackson wore a prosthetic nose, and its been stolen from his corpse, it has been claimed.
The tragic singers face had been left ravaged after years of plastic surgery.
Jackson apparently wore the prosthetic to mask the effects of his botched operations.
But the nose..."""More >>
joi, 23 iulie 2009
New autopsy: Drew Peterson's third wife was killed

luni, 20 iulie 2009
Jackson left to die